Art and jewelry from Jim and Pat Montgomery: portraits, abstract and eclectic art, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and textiles

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Welcome to Pearls and Paint - Art & Jewelry
About Pearls & Paint

Jim and Pat Jim and Pat Montgomery have lived in Ladysmith, BC since 1990. Well into retirement, their art has taken them on a continuing creative journey.

As the founder of Duncan's annual Christmas Chaos craft fair, Pat's focus on textile art has expanded to include pearl (Pearls by Pat) and sterling silver jewelry. Pat By her own admission she is a fibre-holic quilting, weaving, spinning, knitting and sewing. Her passion flares when working with fabrics created by Kaffe Fasset. She is a member of the Nanaimo Quilting and Weavers Guild, Tzouhelem Spinners and Weavers, Ladysmith Arts Council and the Sunbeam Lake Stitch-and-bitch club in El Centro, California.

Her pearl jewelry features a wide variety of necklaces, bracelets, and earrings while her interest in working with sterling silver and copper jewelry is still exploding.

Jim As a Ladysmith resident for over 25 years and as an active sailor, scuba diver, and artist Jim's focus is on using colours, shapes, and emotions to tell a story. His inspiration is usually from his own memories; his presentation is often a realistic portrayal of that memory partnered with a re-telling in an abstract form. He has displayed at the Sooke Art Festival (2015), Victoria's Moss Street Paint-in (2016), the Greater Victoria Art Gallery (2016), placed second in two categories at the California Imperial Valley Art Show (2015), hosted a solo art show in El Centro, California, and is a frequent contributor to the Ladysmith Art Gallery's monthly shows. Jim's paintings, including a number of commissions, are hung in homes and businesses across the United States and Canada. His most prestigious display is currently the centre piece of Tech128's lobby in Boston, Massachusetts.

The following sections present samples of his work. The portraiture samples are specifically chosen to give you a sense of the variety of portraits Jim has been working with. Should you have any interest in obtaining your own portrait please do not hesitate to contact him. As you can see, almost any type of portrait is possible.

He is a member of the Ladysmith Arts Council and his work can be viewed at Ladysmith's High Street Dental Office, the Mystique Day Spa, or his home gallery.